Call No Man Father?

Visitors to my YouTube channel may be put off by the title Father Deacon John Gresham. In the Orthodox Church, I am officially Father Deacon, Reverend Deacon, and since I was ordained in the Arabic speaking Antiochian Archdiocese, Abouna Shamas. I don’t fly off the handle when people only refer to me as “Deacon” sinceContinue reading “Call No Man Father?”

The Need For Spiritual Heroes: Beyond an Influence

“… Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.,’” Luke 10:37 “Follow me as I follow Christ.” I Corinthians 11:1 “… Just work first and foremost, and if they want to live like you, they will see to it themselves. Be the example …” Sayings of the Desert Fathers One of the scariest things aboutContinue reading “The Need For Spiritual Heroes: Beyond an Influence”