Call No Man Father?

Visitors to my YouTube channel may be put off by the title Father Deacon John Gresham. In the Orthodox Church, I am officially Father Deacon, Reverend Deacon, and since I was ordained in the Arabic speaking Antiochian Archdiocese, Abouna Shamas. I don’t fly off the handle when people only refer to me as “Deacon” sinceContinue reading “Call No Man Father?”

Tertullian: Teaching the Truth of Ancient African Christianity

“Be in the world, but not of the world,” is a familiar phrase among Christians. But, where is it written explicitly in the Bible? What is the book, chapter, and verse? Answer: It isn’t explicitly written in the Bible. This is a maxim that is attributed to one of the earliest and best known teachersContinue reading “Tertullian: Teaching the Truth of Ancient African Christianity”